Legados do ensino do esporte na escola : um estudo sobre o que professores de educação física pensam em deixar para seus alunos ao final do ensino médio


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




This master dissertation has as central theme the legacy of teaching sports at school. The main goal is to understand how Physical Education teachers analyze their own sports trajectory and what links can be settled among these experiences and the sports ideas they want to transmit to their students at school. The study is supported by qualitative methodological assumptions. To answer the central question, it was used the narrative as a method and the episodical interview as a research instrument. It was interviewed twelve Physical Education teachers who concluded the undergraduate course from 1999 to 2009. They work in high school level at public state schools in Porto Alegre. The theoretical references were organized in three chapters: Sport in/of school: for a turn of perspective in Brazilian Physical Education; Academic-professional knowledge about sportS of Physical Education teachers; Experience-based knowledge: a marker of teaching knowledge. The discussions served to understand how sports became part of their lives and shaped their ideas about this matter of Physical Education at school and which effects has been produced by this legacy in their own teaching practice. Four big axes have defined the initial configuration for building analytical points: sport experiences before the undergraduate course; sport experiences during the undergraduate course; sport experiences during teaching practice at school; sport ideas the teachers want to give to the students at the end of high school. From these axis, the following analytical points were constructed: a) Sport at school: between the performance and ¿the sunbathing at prison¿; b) ¿Outsourcing¿ as an answer for the conceptual vacuum in Physical Education classes at school; c) The concept of theory about sport and the hypertrophy of know-how in graduation course; d) Uniduni- tê: organization of sport as a matter in Physical Education classes; d) Sport ideas at school which were took to the life. The form as I organized the investigation and from the analysis I checked that conceptions of health, values, critical knowledge and ¿knowing practice¿ represent the legacy of sport that teachers want their students take for life. However, I found that this legacy isn¿t palpable or visible in the reports of teachers¿ lives. That legacy is ¿on the minds¿ of teachers.


educação física escolar legacy sports sports school ensino médio esporte experiential knowledge teacher training formação de professores physical education

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