Le saussurisme et l ecole française d analyse de discours: rupture ou continuité? / O saussurismo e a escola francesa de análise de discurso: ruptura ou continuidade?




Since 1957, a philological work concerning the writings of Ferdinand de Saussure (1857-1913) has been developed. These researches, in general, reject the study of the Cours de linguistique générale, considered as an apocryphal text, and their interests is mainly the reconstitution of Saussures true thought, deformed by the work of the editors of the Cours. Nevertheless, according to our analyses in this work, we have concluded that, in a large measure, the Cours is not in fact such an apocryphal text. Concentrating ourselves on the historical dimension of linguistic facts in Saussure, we have seen that the langue as a system of signs is not opposed to history, even if we have as reference the Cours, which opens a new debate: why have we read Saussure this way? Thus we do not want to make a new reading. Our question concerns rather the how of the representations of Saussure. We have as object readings of Saussure. We concentrate ourselves specially on the reading by the french linguist and philosopher Michel Pêcheux (1938-1983), during the constitution of his project of a discourse analyses in the 1960/70, whose start is the point where, according to him, linguistics finds its limits. The author indicates his filiation to Saussure as well as the necessity of a terrain change. However, we ask in which measure such a change actually takes place. It seems that, if short-term historiography points ruptures, we can point as well long-term continuities.


saussure, f. de análise de discurso linguistica

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