Lamb weans date valuation, Santa Ines milk production and analysis / Avaliação do periodo de desmama em cordeiros, produção leiteira das mães e análise centesimal do leite de ovelhas Santa Ines




The aims of this work were: compare born weight, gaining weight and wean weight in Santa Ines sheep weaned with 45 and 60 days, and know Santa Ines milk production during eight weeks and its milk centesimal analyses. Animals were divided into two groups, 45 wean days (n=15) and 60 days (n=16). Sheep were confined during all the experiment. Lambs were confined with the mothers till wean, then were separated and fed in intensive diet. Wean age and sex in born age and gain weight till wean had no significance, valuating respectively to females 3.3 kg and 0.12kg/day and males 3.7kg and 0.16 kg/day. Wean weight, average weight gain daily from wean till abate and time in days to reach 30kg had sex effect, valuating respectively to males 11.9kg, 0.27 kg/day and 135.4 days, and females 9.5 kg, 0.18 kg/day and 192.7 days. G45 and G60 initial milk production was 380 and 462 grams with maximum production at first and twelfth lactation days, respectively. Centesimal analysis reveal average values of 3.28% fat, 4.53% protein, 5,31% lactose, 13.47% total dry extract, 0.89% ashes and 0.18 g/100 ml acidity in lactic acid. Concluding that weight gain had no effect relating to wean age, just for sex, milk production was low and centesimal analysis vary with time milk production.


ganho de peso weight gain ovinos sheep gordura ovelha - reprodução producao animal ovino - reprodução

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