LabSis : um ambiente para desenvovimento de aplicações sismicas Matlab




The Matlab package is a tool of widespread use in the academic environment, because of its advantages in simple direct programming, graphs and visualization tools. It allows initial implementations of algorithms and procedures very quickly in a series of applications. As a counterpar to the above good qualities, Matlab programs do not exhibit the computational efficiency that is found in typical programming languages (such as Fortran and C), as required for "final production codes". Such properties make the Matlab a package for "prototype codes". On a later stage, Matlab programs can be submitted to standard software engineering procedures, that contemplate a more adequate programming language for final use in practical problems. This characteristic of Matlab illustrates why it is so widely used in academia, especially for teaching and research purposes. In the specific case of the Laboratory of Computational Geophysics at Unicamp, a variety of Matlab programs have been developed in the last few years, mainly in the area of seismic data processing. Due to their very specific focus and lack of a common interface, the programs did not benefit from any conceptual unity that would allow more widespread application, even for users of the Laboratory. LabSis, developed in this thesis, appears as an integrator package of these functions, using the graphic tools of Matlab to create a simplified and intuitive interface for the user. LabSis is composed as a series of "wrapper functions", which make the bridge between the original algorithms and the final user. The employment of these wrapper functions frees the programmer from the task of altering the external functions that compose LabSis, maintaining the author s original program philosophy. The fact of being totally written in Matlab tums LabSis software an open source application, allowing any user to introduce new functions and programs. Since LabSis it is not compiled in any specific system (namely, it can be executed on any system where Matlab is installed), it also a multi-platform software. Built to be a package to include present and future functions, LabSis contains, in the current version, programs designed for modelling (using ray tracing, Bom and Kirchhoffmethods), NMO velocity analysis, computation of T - P transforms, amplitude versus offset (AVO) analysis, kirchhofftrue-amplitude migration and demigration. Visualization of results is always available by means of a tool that plots seismic data. The program allows the user to work simultaneously with several data sets, switching between them at any moment. The program is a graphical user interface (GUI) application. The user does not need to use command lines, however, that option exists, being useful for the case of successive repetitions with small variation of parameters. LabSis is integrated with the InterSis package, a software also developed at the Laboratory of Computational Geophysics of Unicamp, that consists of a graphic interface for seismic data modelling programs. With the aid of InterSis, it is possible to generate a geological model and export it to LabSis. Another possibility is to use InterSis to produce synthetic seismograms and transfer the datasets to LabSis for processing or imaging tasks. The possibility to import data in the Seismic Unix (SD) format, enables LabSis to communicate with the external world, allowing the use of data generated by other softwares. LabSis is a didactic software, specifically developed for teaching and research, with the aim of verifying in practice, many theoretical concepts exposed in the c1assroom. Such characteristics make LabSis attractive to Undergraduate and Graduate Programs that have geophysical data processing among their topics of interest. LabSis has not heavy requirements of computational speed or memory, unless the volume of data used demands it. LabSis integrated structure, makes possible its use as a small developrnent an communication platform to a wide range of users


geofisica seismic reftection method geophysics metodo sismico de reflexão matlab (programa de computador) matlab

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