Labour in the Brazilian small business : impacts of the end of the Twentieth century crisis / Trabalho em pequenos negocios no Brasil : impactos da crise do final do Seculo XX




This dissertation has the occupational evolution and the labor conditions in small enterprises in Brazil in the 1980-2005 period as the study object. The occupied in small business set is understood as the universe of the wage laborers in small and micro enterprises, self-employed, the entrepreneurs without employees, and the workers without pay. The hypothesis considered here is that this set of workers has widened his participation in a very expressive manner in the Brazilian occupational structure, what has deepened the worsening of the labor conditions and labor relations of the whole Brazilian occupational structure in the period studied. The development of this dissertation shown that this process happened most of all in consequence of the low rates of economic growth, of the deep structural changes of the Brazilian economy in the nineties and of the transformations that occurred in the social, cultural and consumption structures that continually changed the productive sector and the occupational structure, even in a context of very low economic growth rates. Confirming the hereby considered hypothesis, this dissertation shown that the biggest part of the occupation expansion in this sector and the worsening of the labor conditions occurred within the period of the 1994-1999, in which happened the most important structural transformations in Brazilian economy. In the whole period, this process was expressed mostly by a strong expansion of the wage labor in the formal and informal sector and by the self-employment ? with the worst labor conditions and labor relations, lowest pay and weaker social and labor protection and rights. At the end, this dissertation deals with the public policies limits for the small and micro enterprises as well the neoliberal political proposals, underlining the impossibility of the overcoming of this situation without considering a process of sustained and accelerated economic growth


public policies trabalho pequenas e medias empresas small business politicas publicas informal sector (economics) employment emprego labour setor informal (economia)

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