Labor-possession: basis and legal consequences / Posse-trabalho: fundamentos e efeitos jurídicos




The objective of the present study, The labor-possession: basis and legal consequences, is analyzing the labor possession institute, its basis and legal consequences. It starts covering the issue of possession and settlement on property land, its historical evolution along with mainstream theories, the handling of those issues both within Brazilian law from As Ordenações to Civil Code 2002 and foreign law. It also covers the law aspects of posession and associated rights through the study of ius possessionis and ius possidendi, with the purpose of demonstrating its social relevance and the need for a new legal approach. The social relevance of possession and land ownership are highlighted along this study for these are intimately related to the topic. Finally, the topic of labor possession and associated work rights is expanded through the analysis of its concept, characteristics and legal effects such as law-enforced expropriation (art. 1.228, 4 and 5 of the Brazilian Civil Code), surface right and ownership through settlement over a period of time


direito posse posse-trabalho função social posse (direito) -- brasil social funcion posse (direito) possession labor possesion

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