La matrice juridique et révolutionnaire de la pensée kantienne






Abstract The aim of the article is to highlight the political significance of the advent of Kant’s Critique. In order to establish it, a double thesis is defended: (a) there is a juridical matrix underlying the conceptual movement of the critical philosophy, whose (b) emancipatory and revolutionary strength is revealed in the light of the context of its formulation. The argument will be deployed in the following way: (i) an exploration of the connections between the formula “a revolution in thought” articulated in the Critique and the historical context of its publication; followed by (ii) an exam of the juridical metaphor of the Tribunal and the way in which it embodies the idea of a critical philosophy and finally, as a conclusion, (iii) the suggestion of an interpretative hypothesis according to which the notion of contract is a conceptual operator accomplishing an analogous movement to the one required from the critical philosophy: the passage from the subjective level to the intersubjective one.

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