Kohs Block Test psychometric parameters in neuropsychological assessment of executive functions / Parâmetros psicométricos dos cubos de Kohs na avaliação neuropsicológica das funções executivas




The purpose of this research was to analyze the psychometric parameters of Kohs Block Test for children and adolescents from Curitiba, to establish norms for this population and to assess the executive function connected to the prefrontal areas of the brain. Thereby, an adaptation of the administration and scoring test systems were developed, and were obtained parameters of validity, reliability and discrimination of the items. The sample was composed by 543 participants ranging from 7 to 14 years old, being 49.7% male, enrolled in municipal (21.2%), state (39%) and private schools (39.8%) of Curitiba-Pr. The instruments were the Kohs Block Test, the copy of the Rey Complexe Figure and the Maze WISC-III subtest. The results for the scoring system pointed out a relationship between the total score of the test and the executive functions, which was not observed in relation to the extra movements. For this reason, was chosen the scores of the items considering the presence of correct responses were dichotomized. The analysis of time execution of the items indicated the need to increase their time limits. It was established that the best criteria for interruption of the test was after four consecutive errors. For the items discrimination, it was obtained D index between 11.1 and 90.7, and point bisserial correlations ranging between 0.30 and 0.75, indicating that items were sufficiently discriminative. The construct validity was investigated by factor analysis (main components method, promax rotation). The results indicated a unidimensional structure for the Kohs Cubes. The factor found presented eigenvalue of 7.42 and explained 44% of the total variance of the items, with Cronbachs Alpha of 0.92. The load factors ranged from 0.35 to 0.78 (70% over 0.60), indicating that the items are good behavioral representatives of the construct assessed by the test. The criterion validity for the executive function of the planning was investigated using two instruments. Thereby, a comparison among participants with different magnitudes of planning (analyzed by the copy of the Rey Figure) indicated a significant difference in the scores of the Cubes (t=3.9; gl=165; p<0.001). Moreover, it was observed a correlation between the punctuation in the Cubes and in the Rey Figure (r=0.50; p<0.001). Similarly, it was found a correlation between the Kohs Block Test and the Mazes WISC-III subtest (r=0.48; p=0.004). Both findings suggested adequate simultaneous validity coefficients to the instrument. The reliability coefficient obtained split half method (Pearson correlation with Spearman-Brown correction), was 0.88 (p<0.001). There were no differences between genres (t=1.22; p=0.22). However, a significant difference was verified between children from municipal public schools and other schools (F =24.75; p<0.001), as well as between right-handed and left-handed (t=2.03; p=0.04). In conclusion, normative tables were developed considering the differences found between the ages (F=23.26; p<0,001).


psychometry cubos de kohs neuropsychological assessment kohs block desing test psicometria avaliação neuropsicológica

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