Knowledge production and formation activity : a proposal for education / Produção de conhecimento e atividade formativa : uma proposta para educadores




This works deals with the development of a formative proposal involving educators on the production of a social knowledge relevant to their everyday activities. The formative proposal has its origins in the participatory actionresearch conducted during the nineteen seventies and is rooted in Vygostky s Marxist concept of knowledge and cognitive development. Instances of three different experiences are presented in which knowledge production is articulated through learning experiences: rural area school teachers, pedagogical coordinators from urban schools, and administrators from S. Paulo s public school system. The aim with this work is to contribute to the formation of new practices suitable for both instructors (lecturers) and learners inside and outside the classroom.


educators formation participatory research methodology pesquisa - ação research observação participante metodologia educadores - formação

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