Kinetic theory of Hamiltonian maps / Teoria cinética de mapas hamiltonianos




This work consists in the study of the transport properties of chaotic Hamiltonian systems by using projection operator techniques. Such systems can exhibit deterministic diffusion and display an approach to equilibrium. We show that this diffusive behavior can be viewd as a spectral property of the associated Perron-Frobenius operator. In particular, the leading Pollicott-Ruelle resonance is calculated analytically for a general class of two-dimensional area-preserving maps. Its wavenumber dependence determines the normal transport coefficients. We calculate a general exact formula for the diffusion coefficient, derived without any high stochasticity approximation and a new effect emerges: the angular evolution can induce fast or slow modes of diffusion even in the high stochasticity regime. The non-Gaussian aspects of the chaotic transport are also investigated for this systems. This study is done by means of a relationship between kurtosis and diffusion coefficient and fourth order Burnett coefficient, which are calculated analytically. A characteristic time scale which delimits the Markovian and Gaussian regimes for the density function was established. Despite the accelerator modes, whose kinetics properties are anomalous, all theoretical results are in excellent agreement with the numerical simulations


kinetic theory dynamical systems sistemas dinâmicos teoria cinética difusão caos chaos dynamical systems diffusion

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