Juventudes, políticas públicas e avaliação de projetos sociais: uma análise sobre o Projeto de Formação de Agentes de Desenvolvimento Comunitário do Programa Jovens Baianos.


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




This study aimed to analyze the results of Agent Training Project Community Development Youth Program from Bahia, conducted in 2006/2007, from the perception of young graduates. Although the public policies for youth have advanced greatly in recent years, the training processes used as tools of these policies, not yet widely reach its overall objectives, as the context in which young people are embedded limits the practical skills developed. The survey was conducted through analysis of project evaluation reports for the training of Community Development Youth Program Baianos and semi-structured individual interviews with young graduates. The qualitative approach was chosen to focus on seeking the meanings contained in the statements of interviewees. The concepts studied were: youth, policy and evaluation of social projects. The analyzed data indicated a highly significant result with regard to the personal and social development of young people, however the overall goal of forming community development agents in the population studied, was not maintained over time. After four years of project completion, none of the interviewed young graduates went on to have a role in your community or other collective action. While public policies for youth have experienced significant progress, the context in which they are still not allow the full of development of their subject participants.


youth avaliação de projetos sociais políticas públicas juventudes politica publica e populacao public policy evaluation of social projects

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