Juventude e estilo de vida : cultura de consumo, lazer e midia




This work has as objective to do an analysis of the contemporary youth s daily life, trying to understand, to interpret and to explain the way as the multiples meanings the youths attribute to the social compasses that they surround are built and used. Expressions as lifestyle, communication means and leisure forms will be studied to the function of the consumption, that because they transmit symbols and they promote the incorporation of styles, becoming the main pillars in the structuring of the juvenile identity. Such symbols do not limit to the geographical borders, they are all over the world and they represent the current social structure. Like this, it is in that scenery of worldwide culture that the communication means, the consumption and the leisure disseminate cultural symbols and these are taken in other contexts, reelaborated and thrown again in the virtual space of the communication and of the human socialization. In that sense, we lived in a continuous


estilo de vida juventude lazer consumo midia (publicidade)

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