Juventude e ciberespaço : implicações do uso da internet na constituição da sociabilidade juventil


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




Amid the dynamics created by the network society, in the words of Castells, there is a youth who found new meaning and ways of relating with others in cyberspace. The present study investigated the formation of youth sociability in virtual environments, such as social networking, interactive spaces where the youth tend to feel free to express ideas, feelings and world views. The population studied was comprised of ten young people who attend the private school and private higher education in the Federal District. This is an exploratory qualitative research, developed as part of a larger project on the theme, in progress, led by the Chair of the UNESCO Youth, Education and Society at the Catholic University of Brasilia. The techniques of data collection were semi-structured interviews, analysis of virtual profiles of the participants, the discussion group installed on the Facebook social network, whose data were submitted to content analysis. The theoretical relied mainly on the works of Castells, Levy, Simmel, Baudrillard, among others. The results were surprising because they revealed specific modes of sociability virtual environment, such as juvenile routes in the network and interaction. From this, one can understand the motivations that lead young people to access social networks and other sites, in a ceaseless quest for the Other and the desired exposure risk. The Youth seek to strengthen the social circles presence through virtual interaction and testing of multimedia activities on the Internet, revealing fashions and other ways to play the society and its rules. The process of grouping and cooperation in the network does not happen out of the contradictions and tensions, the constituent elements of social dynamics, gaining particular contours in cyberspace, such as the establishment of relationships in social networks and acquired privileged status because of the high amount of contacts or "friends. Another important discovery regards the permanent importance that new technologies, especially the Internet, have taken in the lives of youth because of their studies. This fact leads to new possibilities, such as interactive and landless learning. The role of the youth in the context of cyberspace is a new phenomenon, but it has revealed its changing and challenging character, especially given the emergence of the expansion of the field of contemporary youth, eager to find meaning in new territories.


juventude internet (redes de computação) sociabilidade ciberespaço educacao youth cyberspace sociability technologies social networks

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