Justificação econômico-financeira de AMT: um modelo de racionalidade, utilizando a visão baseada em recursos




The dissertation addresses the topic Economic-Financial Justification of AMT, i.e., the consideration of investments to be made in technology versus the benefits associated with their installation/implementation. The research proposes a model of rationale in order to deal with the problematic from the literature review. Such rationale is expressed through a framework, which seeks to treat, with a qualitative approach, a set of pre-selected AMT, through their intangible benefits, based on the resource-based view, within a strategic manufacturing management. The AMT are considered resources, related to the competitiveness of the companies, whose intangible benefits are evaluated according to their coherency with a set of capabilities the manufacturing intends to develop. The rationale, expressed by the framework, is operationalized through the process approach (Cambridge Approach), in order to achieve practical performance, evaluated by its feasibility, usability and utility. Finally, the refinement of the rationale, framework and associated process is presented, being realized through semi-structured interviews with academic and nonacademic experts, demonstrating their applicability.


sistemas de fabricação integrada por computador planejamento de recursos de manufatura engenharia de producao pórticos estruturais sistemas flexíveis de fabricação

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