This paper titled: Young female university students in undergraduate nursing: the universe and cultural habitus of the profession trainers, part of the research Society and Culture Education Program Graduate Education (Master and Doctorate) Catholic University of Goiás (UCG). Its purpose was to understand who are the young women in the undergraduate program in nursing at UCG, where strategies are created by them to ensure continuity in higher education and the meanings attributed to the professionalization in nursing. This study was grounded on the concepts Bourdieusian, especially the scientific field, habitus and strategy. The concept of habitus has proved appropriate to understand the way of thinking and acting of young university students of nursing program in UCG. To perform the work used several methodological procedures: the bibliographic to apprehend the discussion of youth, higher education in Brazil and nursing course, the implementation of seventy-four (74) questionnaire and completion of six (6) interviews with young women aged 18 to 24 years, attending the seventh (7th) and eighth (8th) periods of the course. There was a qualitative research asking who are these them in an attempt to know the faces of the youthful universe, so being young and what the trainers habitus of the profession. For this, the first chapter is located in the nursing area of the SCU, as well as its historical path, from the theory bourdieusian field, aiming to understand that young women are, what strategies are created by them to ensure their permanence in higher education and the meanings attributed to training in terms of nursing as a profession. In the second chapter, based on Foracchi (1965); ROMANELLI (2003), Sposito (2005); ZAGO (2006) is to know the aspects that characterize the young academic, such as socioeconomic status of family, work and study. In the third, seek to show the meanings attributed by young people to nursing, professional and work, keeping in view the perspective of how people move between modes of being young and professional habitus then indicate the representations produced by them around the image itself, and also the profession. Are also considered studies of youths who emphasize the complexity of the universe and its contemporary youth plurality, which call attention to the need for analysis and looks capable of addressing the multiplicity of youths face the transformations of contemporary societies. In that sense it was noticed that the academic has great relevance in the formation of professional habitus.


jovens young people nursing and habitus educacao university universitárias enfermagem e habitus

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