Journalism in context of convergence: implications of multiplatform distribution in the expansion of the contracts of communication of devices in ¿Zero Hora¿ / Jornalismo em contexto de convergência : implicações da distribuição multiplataforma na ampliação dos contratos de comunicação dos dispositivos de Zero Hora


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




This research was aimed at investigating how the performance of multiplatform production instance of the company "Zero Hora" in the context of convergence journalism, the contracts of communication, offered to its public, are extended. Is considered the hypothesis that when a communication vehicle launches traditional versions of their products on the web and mobile media such as mobile phones and tablets, among others, adapt its work to the capabilities and peculiarities of these contexts. Accordingly, increases the chances of relationship with the public. Thus, it may be creating new "devices" and also differentiated communication contracts. To reflect on it, the research considers approaches of Charaudeau (2007, 2008, 2010) on the communication contract in journalism. The possible changes in times of convergence are discussed considering the analyzes of authors such as Jenkins (2001, 2008), Pavlik and Mcintosh (2011), Domingo et. al. (2007) and Salaverria and Negredo (2008). The theoretical part is performed with inspiration in discourse analysis semiolinguistic (CHARAUDEAU, 2010), the observation of ¿Zero Hora¿ in the context of convergence journalism. The research is directed to observe the production instance of journalistic organization. Techniques are applied qualitative indirect observation in 72 editions of ¿Zero Hora¿, divided into: 18 editions of the newspaper, Zero 18 editions, 18 editions of Zero Hora on the iPad and 18 editions of Zero Hora on the iPhone. In addition, we performed a semi-structured interviews with seven staff members of news organization. This analysis revealed that Zero Hour varies in its profile enunciator in that it proposes different communication contracts on each platform used in their contemporary strategies. The company works with devices from different staging information and target audience profiles that vary with each of said devices.


jornalismo online communications contract digital journalism cultura da convergência convergence journalism jornalismo : teoria zero hora (jornal) multiplatform distribution

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