Jornalismo para além do valor-notícia : o valor-convergente como modelo para selecionar e inserir temas sociais na mídia




There are many studies about the Agenda-setting hypothesis, or the establishment of the public agenda because of the media influence. Nevertheless, there are few researchs about the inverse and complementary process: the agenda-setting of the press because of the influence of the civil society, or the contra-agendamento (Silva, 2006). In that sense, this research investigates, as the object of study, the Convergent-setting. The model was implemented by the News Agency for the Childhood Rights (ANDI) to increase the chances that a specific event of public interest will be included as news by the gatekeepers (White) of the media. In summary, it is a technique of investigative journalism that unites (converges), in the same press-release, two values: the news values and the social values. The study concludes that, in this model, the news values empower the social values, as both are indivisible since the values inhabit simultaneously the same event. The model, therefore, could mean more than a new paradigm of "newsmaking." It is the transformation and refunctioning of the news values. It is a synthesis model that is not only directed to apply strategies to set the agenda of the media. On the contrary, it is a model dedicated to understand and clarify the events of public interest, revealing them integrally through the view of the public sphere. Establishing itself, therefore, as a Communicative Action (Habermas). This research also shows the potential of the Convergent-setting for the practice of advocacy with strong impacts on decision makers (Policy Agenda Setting).


noticiabilidade comunicacao newsworthiness jornalismo third sector terceiro setor journalism

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