Jornalismo Control c/ Control v: uso do release na comunicação da informação on-line




The explosion of the information in the communication field coincides, in the decade of 1970, with the consolidation of the information and knowledge society, that has the main characteristic the multiplication of registers, formats, forms and supports. Release, document of the press assessorships, gains a new configuration, leaving to simple content, with indicative of an action that will go to occur, to become faithful and deepened description of these official information, with similar structure to a news article. For questions as the pressure of the time and the lack of team in writings and same personal ethical decisions, these releases have been copied in the complete one or partially modified for three sites of journalistic information of Campo Grande, Mato Grosso do Sul. This attitude is controversial between the producers of journalistic information on-line, to who it would fit to question the information contained in release original and contrast them with other sources, with different points of view of the same action.


information site. informação release authorship on-line site. autoria on-line ciencia da informacao release

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