Jornal-Laboratório : das intervenções didáticas do professor-editor à produção escrita do aluno-jornalista


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




This paper investigates, according to applied linguistics, the activity of an editor-teacherand the written production of journalist-students in a laboratory-newspaper in a socialcommunication course. There is a great variety of text genres that people work in asocial communication area use as semiological tools. Therefore they must know how toidentificate and use each of them in order to do their work properly. The concepts ofhabitus by Bourdieu, discoursive genres by Bakhtin, action and activity by Leontiev andthe Socio-discoursive Interacionalism by Bronckart were used in this research in order tomake a comprehension of the didactical activities and text analysis. As a part of theresearch, the reality of the journalist formation was understood and the role of thelaboratory-newspaper as a pedagogic-didactical tool as well. Some classes were watchedin order to identificate the methodologic-theorical procedures the teacher used in thelaboratory when helping the students to prepare their texts, based on the variety ofinformation, based on opinion and journalistic texts. Socio-historical approach was usedas methodological perspective in order to identify the involvement of the participantsand the different ideas that occurred in the process. Besides the material collected to theresearch some interviews with editor-teachers were done and the students answered aquestionnaire. As a result of this paper we concluded that the laboratory-newspaper is aplace where journalistic techniques are worked out as a pedagogic-didactical tool tomediate the process of semiotical appropriation, needed by a journalist. A lessmechanical writing act was observed in a socio-discoursive meaningful view.


linguística jornalismo - estudo e ensino material didático linguagem jornalística gêneros textuais interacionismo sociodiscursivo jornal-laboratório linguistic journalism study and teaching didactic material journalistic language text genres socio-discursive interactionism journal-laboratory

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