Jogos e brincadeiras na educação infantil : um balanço das dissertações e teses, defendidas nos programas de pós-graduação em educação
Adriano José Rossetto Júnior
The goal of this study is to map and interpret PhD dissertations and Masters thesis on education, based on an extensive bibliographic review of the research carried out within graduate programs between 1981 and 2001. The main focus of this work is on studies that have an approach on games and play in child education. The present study began, firstly, with a bibliographic review of the theories that supported the studies, such as the ones by Vygotsky, Wallon, Piaget, Leontiev, Elkonin, Brougere and Huizinga. The focus of this review was on the meaning of the terms, concepts and characteristics of the games, plays and toys, and their function on the children development in arder to present the studies main premises. Following the bibliographic review, the study proceeded with a quantitative assessment based on a data set compiled from abstracts of the ANPEd CDROM dissertation catalog, which covers the period between 1981 and 1998. The principal objective was to identify tendencies and their principal characteristics: institutional distribution, degree level, advisers, methodology and theoretical orientation. After this initial survey, the span of the period analyzed was extended to 2001 for the studies dane at USP, PUC/SP and UNICAMP. With the reading of the thesis and dissertations from these universities, a more detailed and qualitative analysis was made. Content analysis was applied as a procedure to analyze the studies in order to reach the objectives of demonstrating the aspects examined in the studies, which theoretical references support the studies, as well as the children considerations on the use of games in child education. The present analysis is based on Henri Wallon theory, what allowed the categorization in studies that investigate the game of and at the school. One can observe, as a rule, a predominant use of Psychology theories in the studies of games, with a prevalence of Piaget cognitive theory, and a tendency of the studies that refer to game at school to be based on theories from other fields, such as Sociology, Anthropology, History and Philosophy. As for the use of games in the child education, the studies show that the educators sometimes use the game as pure recreation and pastime, and at times as pedagogical content used to attain academic objectives, but not as a factor in the child development. These conclusions indicate gaps and point out to the necessity of studies that have the analyses of game and its real role in child education as the main goal
teses e dissertacoes jogos educacao pre escolar educacao pesquisa educacional educacao: historia, politica, sociedade educacao infantil
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