Jogo e educação infantil: contribuições da hermenêutica filosófica de Gadamer




This research aims to investigate how games, analyzed from Hans-Georg Gadamers Philosophic Hermeneutics point of view, can contribute to child upbringing in Child Education. For such the pedagogic practice of Child Education teachers at the Mimosa Day Care Center was discussed with the participation of a researcher and through a reflective and active dialogical process that could lead to the collective building of a game conception which enabled the qualification of the educational process developed by these teachers. The methodology used suggests a qualitative piece of research which was done by observation and interviews in order to collect as many data and pieces of information as possible to subsidize the analysis and interpretation of results. The main material for this analysis, besides observation, was made up of the teachers accounts of their game conceptions in the pedagogic action with the children. Gadamers Philosophic Hermeneutics served as the theoretical basis for this research as to the ontological explanation of the game as a conducting wire in human education. Data analysis demonstrates the need for a continuous reflection on the importance of games in child upbringing. Also, it proves that the human dimension of games, according to Gadamer, adds to the qualification of the teaching staffs work with children by means of a humanizing action of respect towards them, and in their relation in the search for world disclosure.


gadamers philosophic hermeneutics games hermenêutica filosófica de gadamer jogo child education educacao educação infantil

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