João Cabral: angústia e mudança social em versos (esboço de análise sociológica) / João Cabral: anguish and social change into poetry (outline of sociological analysis)




This work has been conceived as sociological research about intellectual trajectory of João Cabral de Melo Neto, poet who was born at Pernambuco, in 1920. The aim was to analyze Cabrals insertion in Brazilian literary play, for their first publications, their literary critique reception and dialectical relation between saying himself poet and being said poet. It is about a long and complex social process that reveals Brazilian literary life and her dynamics, marked by very peculiar historical characteristics tied to Brazilian society formation. Thus the concept of trajectory allows thinking about social life, biography, literary works, critique and their connections. It is important to say that João Cabral was public officer during authoritarian periods, marked by ideological persecutions. Moreover his opinions about Gilberto Freyres regionalism are decisive aspect to understand sociologically his work.


sociologia da cultura e da literatura poesia brazilian literature literatura brasileira sociology of culture and literature joão cabral de melo neto trajetória intelectual intellectual trajectory joão cabral de melo neto poetry

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