João Batista Vilanova Artigas - residências unifamiliares: a produção arquitetônica de 1937 a 1981 / João Batista Vilanova Artigas. The architectural prodution of the one-familiar house built in Sao Paulo city from 1937 to 1981




This work analyses the one-familiar houses designed by the architect João Batista Vilanova Artigas and built in São Paulo city between 1931 and 1981. We promoted an exhaustive bibliographic, documental and field survey, verifying this houses permanence or not, and their actual conditions. We identified 80 unities, which permitted to develop an original analyze of Artigas work, identifying this typologys importance to his career, the main districts where he worked for, beyond the study of its functional and formal characteristics, and its building elements, consisting a large panorama of the architects references. This survey is a contribution not only to study Artigas houses, but also to the paulista production as a whole, considering his influence to successive architects generations. The comparative analyze among all houses permitted to establish Artigas path, verifying his references, and so contributing to the comprehension of his real importance to the Brazilian architecture. The many unpublished information here revealed may stimulate the interesting to new task as well as revision of Artigas historiography.


architecture historiography typology brutalismo arquitetura joão batista vilanova artigas brazilian architecture bairro pacaembú (sp) one-familiar concreto armado casas avenida sumaré (sp) habitação unifamiliar

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