Jigagem de minérios itabiríticos




The main objectives of this study were to plan, execute and analyze the results of several minerals concentration tests in a jig. The program of tests utilized allowed to analyze the influence of operating variables in the performance of the equipment of the metallurgical in concentration process. On this study we had select itabiritic ores for both operating power of concentrated. The working method is consisted in the characterization of technological power and perform tests of concentration DECO jig, model A-173-A, varying three parameters: the size of the food, the kind of pebbles that make up the bed and the mass of the bed. The results were analyzed in terms of recovery and iron enrichment. Moreover the silicon concentration was analyzed too because that composite is the main contaminant of concentrates. Analyzing the results of the testing campaign can be observed significant values of recovery and enrichment of iron, as well as a reduction of silica in the concentrates obtained.


minérios de ferro concentração gravítica jigagem tratamento de minerios

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