Itinerario terapéutico de las personas con discapacidad y mediaciones en el cuidado de la salud: la mirada de los familiares






Families are qualified agents of health practices and contribute in the search for care of people with disabilities. This paper presents the itineraries taken by adults with mobility disabilities around their rehabilitation and the participation of their families in this process. To this end we analyzed semi-structured interviews with family members living with physically disabled people aged 50 or more in the Buenos Aires Metropolitan Area. For the survey of the qualitative information, we used a sample of intentional type (18 cases) according to sex, socioeconomic status and link (child / spouse). The findings show that the therapeutic in view of the care and rehabilitation of people with disabilities are divided into two main stages: the search for a diagnosis and seeking treatment. Both instances are configured according to the social, economic and cultural rights of the families. According to the evidence we concluded that health services can work, at times, as obstacles to the therapeutic itinerary of users and disregard the link between their actions and the family network, in which decisions about treatment options are taken and daily care is managed.

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