Italo Calvino e Osman Lins: da literatura combinatória ao hiper-romance / Italo Calvino and Osman Lins: from combinatory literature to hypernovel


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




According to many authors, especially Mario Praz, Umberto Eco and Anatol Rosenfeld, the structures of a work of art reflect the epistemological structures of a certain period in time, following the evolution of socio-historical organization and revealing a superstructure of thought that comes together with such ways of organization. As far as Calvino and Lins are concerned, notwithstanding the so many conceptual and stylistic differences, their texts of fiction show very clearly the passage from a point of view (and respective esthetic form) in which the present (1940s and 1950s), though complex, can be represented as a historical continuity, to a new point of view in which the History of the present (1960s and 1970s) is understood as relative and fragmented. It is clear that conventional, uniform, whole structures such as short stories and novels, had a unified structure until the mid-sixties, but after 1965 (Calvino) and 1966 (Lins), these structures give place to a fragmented hypertext structures divided into mobile parts that the reader can manipulate and recombine in order to multiply the stories. From this period are masterpieces such as Le città invisivili and Pentágono de Hahn. This combinatory fragmented form from the sixties will evolve, in the seventies, to a more complex form: the hypernovel. The structure of the hypernovel will be strongly based on mathematics and geometry, and it also emphasizes metanarrative, the search for a sense of representation (love and death, for example) and the representation of the search itself. It also seeks to represent knowledge as multiplicity of themes and discourses, combined in fictional stories written and potentially writable. Both authors consider the structure of the novel as important as the story itself, for the structure is their search for the only possible unity: a mosaic, as a possible answer to the labyrinth.


hypernovel italo calvino italo calvino literatura combinatória osman lins combinatory literature hiper-romance osman lins

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