ISAMAP instruction mapping driven dynamic binary translation / ISAMAP tradução binaria dinamica orientada a mapeamento de instruções




The main role of Dynamic Binary Translation is the capability of running applications compiled for a specific architecture over a totally diferent one without sources recompiling. This technique can be used neither in legacy code migration or in a transparent run-time environment to run applications of different arquitectures. Dynamic Binary Translation also offers otimizations possibilities once informations about application run-time behaviour are available. The ISAMAP is a mapping instructions driven dynamic binary translation system that makes able a mapping between two differents arquitectures. Instructions sequence of the source ISA are mapped to target ISA instructions, providing a fast and optimized mapping. In the current state ISAMAP translates PowerPC 32 binary code to x86 binary


powerpc microprocessors processador x86 x86 processors tradução binaria dinamica instruction mapping processador powerpc mapeamento de instruções dynamic binary translation

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