Irrigação subterranea no desenvolvimento da cultura do morangueiro




Previous papers have confirmed that applying water througb the subsurface irrigation system is advantageous for the development of cultures, as it reduces the water loss for evaporation, improving irrigation efficacy and diminishing the emergence of diseases. It also promotes water savings. At first, the system should produce a large and continuous humidity string, providing application uniformity in its whole length. We are concemed about the use of subsurfàce irrigation in field conditions, as for controlling the quantity of water to be applied, assessing the application unifonnity on the irrigation string in function of the soil texture, the probability of the equipment clogging, and the confirmation of the equipment efficiency on water supplying. The irrigation pipe was tested at two depths and with application in two and in three irrigation strings per seedbed. The aim was assessing which treatment offers better resu1ts for sanitation parameters of the plant, the vegetative development and the radicular system. As for the humidity measures, the treatments buried at 10 em (3,9 inches) have presented more. It were not observed significant differences among the studied treatments for dry matter of aerial portion, foliar area index, maximum horizontal dimension of the plant and plant height, both in healthy and in sick plants. On the radicular system assessment, only a few treatments have presented significam differences: the treatments of healthy and sick roots at O to 10 cm (3,9 inches) and heahhy roots at 50 to 60 em (19,6 to 23,6 inches). The treatment at O to 10 cm of healthy 3 L 20 cm plants has presented smaller measures than the other three treatments. As for roots of sick plants at O to 10 em of depth, they ve shown Jarger results 00 the 3 strings treatment than on the 2 irrigation strings treatments. From 50 to 60 em, the healthy roots have presented larger results on the 2 strings treatments than the 3 strings ones.


strawberry irrjgation water in the agriculture irrigação agua na agricultura morango

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