Investigation of soft tissue involvement in individuals hearing work related musculoskeletal disorders (WMSD) / Investigação do acomentimento dos tecidos moles em individuos portadores de disturbios osteomusculares relacionados ao trabalho (DORT)




The research aimed at proposing an investigation protocol for palpable soft tissues in RSI patients Through a preliminary study, the proposed methodology checked the area to be evaluated, the anatomical delimitation of this area as well as the equipment to be used for measurement and specifications. Research subjects were selected pursuant to criteria that allow for the checking of soft tissue abnormalities. The subject population consisted of 20 males averaging 41.4 years of age, 76 kg. body mass average, 1.71 m. average height and average Body Mass Index (BMI) equal to 26.02 kgm2, and 20 females averaging 37.9 years of age, 62.7 kg body mass average, 1.64 m. average height and average Body Mass Index (BMI) equal to 23 6 kgm2 Through palpation technique, the forearm area of the dominant superior limb was examined. The subjects were 10 men and 10 women diagnosed of RSI in the area under scrutiny, and 10 men and 10 women without RSI diagnosis in such area, although injured in other areas. The results were submitted to significance calculation (p <0.05) and the variability of the samples was determined through hypothesis test These showed to be statistically significant in the positive RSI diagnosis women s group (63 cm) as compared to the healthy women sample (75 cm), the first subjects presenting tissues displacement decrease at the muscle area (proximal third) of the upper limb forearm in positive RSI diagnosis women s group. The issue of significant results having been found in the women s group raised the point of RSI in the female working population. Specific studies on gender show that risks are higher in women, however, the morbidity distribution is not linked to gender. The experiment aimed at preparing a protocol for quantitative investigation of soft tissue adherence and providing methodologic proof of the collection of those data. However, in the obtained results we saw possibilities of establishing parameters that could, in a simplified way, show possible changes in soft tissues. This investigation importance to everyday use is that this quantified datum complements and reasserts osteo-muscular evaluations for disability diagnoses of RSI patients. This quantification may aid to the subjective discernment required to the evaluation of RSI patients


skeletal saude e trabalho muscle musculo esqueletico occupational health cumulative trauma disorders lesão dos tecidos moles transtornos traumaticos cumulativos soft tissue injuries

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