Investigating the dynamics of the asymmetry the brazilian gasoline prices: a time series approach. / Investigando a dinâmica da assimetria nos preços da gasolina brasileira: uma abordagem de séries temporais.




This work has the objective to present an econometric analysis of the prices in the Brazilian retail gasoline market, highlighting a non-linear adjustment with the international oil prices and Brazilian exchange rate. In the theoretical part the co-integration analysis with asymmetric error correction models TAR and M-TAR are exposed. Besides, is shown that is not possible to develop an estimation based on the linear traditional form in virtue of conceptual limitations. The results show that prices of the gasoline recover, on average, 90% of the negative discrepancies from a period to other. However, only 5% positive differences are adjusted, or still are not recovered.


cointegration gasoline price preço da gasolina modelos não-lineares co-integração nonlinear models economia

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