Investigação em sala de aula: uma proposta de atividade em salas de aula do ensino fundamental




The main objective of this assignment is to study the subject "Inquiries in classroom: a proposal of activity in classrooms of elementary education ", with the purpose of giving contributions to the research about how much students can learn if teachers use inquiry tasks in mathematics classes and to think about some criteria to elaborate and apply this kind of activities in order that make possible for teachers using them in a math classroom. We are trying to find out what can be educative projects in this area and how they can contribute for an effective renewal of pedagogical practice at school, so, we think it is important to answer to three questions: what kind of attitudes we can note about the students when they are doing inquiry tasks; what kind of difficulties related to teaching/learning we can find in a methodology which the main aim is inquiry e what about the teachers role when they ask students to do inquiry tasks. To answer these questions we made five inquiry activities for students that are at the eight grade of Elementary School try to solve them. The group have thirty-four students and nineteen of them was boys and fifteen girls and they are between thirteen and sixteen years old, all of them study in a municipal public school in São Paulo. The data had been collected through a written instrument and interviews with some students. These results had been analyzed according to Pontes point of view about the inquiry activities. At the end of our research we can say that although initially the most part of the group was shown unreliability on their own capacities about exploring the inquiry tasks and the great challenge that these kind of activities represent to us teachers, we think the results had been very satisfactory, because we can note the students well-known, their enthusiasm, persistence and the progress when they are solving tasks in classes where the methodology was centered in the inquiry


matematica -- estudo e ensino inquiries in mathematics classes investigações na aula de matemática currículos matematica (elementar) educacao matematica curriculum matematica

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