Investigação do processo de negociação interpessoal infantil em situação lúdica: aspectos interacionais e cognitivos / Investigation of the process of childish interpersonal negotiation in a playful situation: cognitive and interactional aspects


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The main objective of this research is to investigate interactional and cognitive strategies adopted by children in their conversations, on a playing situation, in order to establish an interpersonal negotiation. We intend, therefore, to observe how children proceeded to undo eventual complications that arise in the course of negotiation until a balanced conversation is restored. Accordingly, the present study allowed us to better understand the transition between moments of agreement and disagreement/conflict which happens at social interactions among children, described by Wallon in 1987 as the process of differentiating \"self-other\". Analyzing samples from conversational interactions among children aged 5, 8 and 10 years, in a context of a playing event (building game), we have identified instances of conversational implications (Grice, 1982), conflicts, misunderstandings, discursive regulations (Caron , 1983) and mechanisms of threat and face-saving (Goffman, 1967) during the discursive process, which encouraged children to argue for their own beliefs about facts, resulting often in the emergence of interpersonal negotiation with another child and/or with adults. In this context, it was also possible to verify the perception that children have about mental conditions of others (desires, beliefs, intentions, etc.), which differ from their own mental conditions (Perner &Wimmer, 1985). Audio recordings were made of six pairs of children from both sexes, in the presence of the researcher. Each session consisted on a recording of a complete playing event, which encompasses the opening, development and completion of the game. These recordings were transcribed later, according to the Standards for transcription, commonly used by researchers from the NURC / SP - Project for the Study of the Cult Urban Language Standard of São Paulo. After the transcription of data collected, we undertook a qualitative analysis of samples from conversation between children and/or between children and researcher. Considering all samples analyzed, it was possible to conclude that there are interactional traces which stand out in conversational context on each observed age, which is reflected in the utilization of different interpersonal negotiation strategies.


child conversational interaction interação conversacional infantil interpersonal negotiation negociação interpessoal psicolinguística psycholinguistics

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