Investigação da sindrome neurasteniforme : comparação em trabalhadores nos programas diurno e noturno




The exposure to nightly, either in rotation or in a fix system, is though to be cause of both somatic or/and psychic signs and symptoms. Each sign or symptoms is usually studied out of an integrated view. The author, based on his clinical and forensic medicine experience rise the hypothesis that the signs and symptoms are part of an specific clinical entity, not described yet. The physical and psychologial signs and symptoms found in nightly workers suggest that there is a neurasteniform syndrome, with the following features: sleep problems, easy tiredness, fatigue, psychosomatic complains, and irritability. The author compared two groups (N = 270) exposured to nightly work, both sexes. A self-evaluation scale for neurasteniform syndrome (SESNS) was used to quantify the presence of the syndrome. The Zung self-evaluation rating scale for depression was used to exclude the possibility of the symptoms found being part of a depressive syndrome. The group exposured to nighty work had scores significantly higher on SESNS when compared to the non-exposured group. The conclusion is that working at night may be a risk facto r for a neurasteniform syndrome. Gender is also a risk fadar, being female at a major risk to develop the syndrome


trabalhos em turno neurastenia acidentes de trabalho

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