Investigação biométrica em imagens digitais para detecção de faces humanas através da proporção divina / Biometric investigation in digital images for the detection of human faces by divine proportion




The increase of recognition systems in the contemporary world has demanded robust and agile detection processes. From teleconference systems to security and monitoring mechanisms, the detection and recognition of people have became constantly used and applied. In attempt to search for alternative ways to solve both detection and recognition problems, this work proposes the utilization of biometric measures, taken in digital image of human faces. From the study of such measures, it’s possible to verify face proportions, especially the divine proportion, which could allows, in the future, to implement the detection and/or recognition algorithms that utilize such proportions. Due to small amount of scientific publications that use the divine proportion as a way of detection and/or recognition in image processing, this investigation contributes with some steps in this direction


face detection biometric investigation detecção de faces proporção divina processamento de imagens digital image processing reconhecimento de padrões secção áurea golden rectangle divine proportion golden section investigação biométrica pattern recognition retângulo áureo

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