InvestigaÃÃo das propriedades farmacolÃgicas de Azadirachta indica A. Juss.




The family Meliaceae there is fifty genus that distributed in tropics already the world. Is a plant port tree, small flowers. Azadirachta indica is known populary by nim, amargosa is a plant native to Asian. Different part of this plant have been reported to possess medicinal properties like antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal, antidiabetic, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, curing of skin diseases, antiulcer, antineoplasic and pest-control agent. The compounds isolated from A. indica have been demonstrated saponinas, triterpenes, tannins, alkaloids, flavonoids, coumarin, proteins and sugars. The objective of this work was to evaluate the toxicity and the pharmacological activities (anti-inflammatory and antineoplasic) in rodents of leaves of the A. indica. Acute toxicity assays were accomplished, by oral administration, with notification of the alterations in the behaviorâs reactions that were resulting of the administration of each dose. The treated animals presented toxic reactions, and the behaviorâs reaction stimulants were the most pronounced effects. Administration of leaves of extract A. indica did not produce died of mice. These data suggest that the hydroalcoholic leaf extract of Azadirachta indica A. Juss showed low toxicity in mice (Mus musculus). The LC50 (Lethal Concentration 50%) was conducted using Artemia salina larvae as bioindicator. The mean LC50 related to A. salina larvae attained 617,25537 μg/ml. These data suggest that the hydroalcoholic leaf extract of Azadirachta indica A. Juss showed toxicity moderate in Artemia salina. In the evaluation of the anti-inflammatory activity was used a carrageenaninduced by rat paw model with oral administration of the extract. The found results presented indicative that extract of leaves of A. indica increased significant of the volume of edema, thus suggesting a possible edematogenic effects, in doses administrated (250, 500 and 1000mg/kg/v.o). In relation to antineoplasic activity, was analysed by the tumor cells lines Ehrlichâs Carcinoma and Sarcoma 180. The extract produced a not significant reduction of the tumors, with 63,8% (250mg/kg) and 18,0%(500mg/kg) of tumoral inhibition percentage, for dose 1000 mg/kg/v.o was observe increase not significant of tumors for the Ehrlichâs Carcinoma. For the bearers animals of the Sarcoma 180 didnât observe tumoral inhibition significant with dose of 250mg/kg, 500 and 1000mg/kg/v.o.


carcinoma de ehrlich lc50 atividade antiinflamatÃria ld50 meliaceae sarcoma 180 sarcoma 180 azadirachta indica acute toxicity cl50 azadirachta indica toxicidade aguda edematogenic activity farmacia ehrlichâs carcinoma dl50 meliaceae

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