Intrusões sub-vulcanicas alcalinas e lamprofiros nas mineralizações auriferas do Greenstone Belt do Rio Itapicuru, Bahia : petrografia, geoquimica e inclusões fluidas




At the Fazenda Maria Preta (FMP) and Mari (MR) gold deposits, in the Rio Itapicuru greenstone belt (RIGB), two host volcanic rocks and a mafic dyke were studied and reclassified. In the Corpo H body (FMP) the host roek is called silicified dacite, but in this worlc, based on the mineralogy and textural ftamework, the roek is reclassified as alkali-feldspar syenite (AFS) Thc mineralization is confined only to this lithology which does DOt extent to its sheared equivalents, previously ealled dacite. The C 1 of MR is emplaced in a hypabyssal roek here elassified as alkali-feldspar trachyte (AFI ), considered previously as microgabbro. Along the gold shear-zone in the RIGB, some dis upted dykes may be found, named sheared metadiorite. In this work, these dykes are redefined by textural and, mainly, ehemieal criteria, as minettie lamprophyre. The AFS and the AFf have higb contents ofNa and are very poor in K. Both are silica-saturated, and have very low values of Nb, Y, Rb and Sr. The AFS is more &actionated in REE than the AFf, without signifieant ehanges dwing the shear~ent or hydrotbcm1al alteration. Both roeks have constant TilZr, ã/Y, NbIY and LaIY ratios between &esh and altered parts. The higb Na concentrations in the AFS, are considered to be primary, without metasomatic contribution. Otherwise, the higb Na values in the AFf are considered as a product of a metamorphic contribution, althougb. an igneous origin eannot be discarded. These roeks show rhyodacitic/dacitic trace~lement ratios indieating syn-collisional voleanic are, ealc-alkaline (AFS) to transitional (AFI ) affinities. The AFS has Andean are signatures. like the trondhjemitic suites, and the AFf shows andesite eharacteristies of continental margin are. The yre datas show a basic composition, with higb magnesium number, higb Ti02, Cao, P20S Ni, Sr, Ba, and higb REE fractionated pattem. The mineralization in the AFS occurs as disseminations preferentially in the matrix, in a paragenesis composed of arsenopyrite, pyrite, ehlorite, ankerite and rutile. This scenario was eaused by a brittle event, possibly with a late-magJTIatie degassificatiOD contribution. On the other hand, the mineralization in the AFf is associated with quartz, carbonate, albite and pyrite, and occurs in the altered parts ofthese roeks. Miaothermometry of fluid inclusions in mineralized and unminera1ized veios reveal fluids in the AFS and AFT with higb C02 and subordinate amounts ofN2 and CH. This extreme 002 emichment ean not be attributed to the deformation, but is 1inked to the prevasive degassification process, favoured by the presence of lamprophyres, as weU as little hydrated alkaline bodies (not much hydrated), with the orientation foUowing the megashear ZODe trend. In alllikelibood, the gold genesis in the midd1e portion of de RIGB is related to the generation and or intrusions of a1ka1ine and lamprophyric magmas in deep shear zones (transcrusta1), to higb C02 concentrations, and to an are setting in a collisional regime


rio (ba) geoquimica ouro - minas e mineração - itapicuru petrografia metalogenia

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