Introdução do pensamento estatistico em uma refinaria de petroleo




The objective of this work is to report SPC implantation first stages in Henrique Lage Refinery (REV AP), a PETROBRÁS unit located in São José dos Campos. It is also intended to describe the inheren t difficulties of a cultural change processo. We start presenting some cultural characteristics of the group that controls the production processes in the oil refmery, aiming to clarify the impact of these cultural characteristics in the objective of introducing SPC into the Operational Group routine. As a result, SPC is effectively implemented in some sections of REV AP, like SEPROD (product development and analysis section) and, in higher or lower degree, in alI sections that acquired ISO 9002 certificate, like SESCRA (catalytic cracking section) and SEDHID (distillation and hydrotreating section). This is not a finished work and it wasn t our intention. We really intended to get the focus in what we consider some important points, that counts in reaching a more competitive position throughout higher processes and product quality in that Oil Refinery


desenvolvimento organizacional controle de processo cultura organizacional

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