Intervening factors in the credibility of the pregnant women the care strategies proposed by prenatal care / Fatores intervenientes na credibilidade das gestantes quanto às estratégias de cuidado propostas pelo pré-natal




This is a study developed based on qualitative methodology in which it was searched to investigate, through perception of pregnant women, the intervenient factors - of the community, of the services and the ones related to the professional staff able to impact the entire affectivity of the prenatal care accompaniment. The study was developed through partially built interviews with eight pregnant women under prenatal accompaniment in two public health units in Mesquita city one of them with the model of attention to the traditional health and the other one following the model suggested by the Familys Health Strategy. An analysis of the interviews gist was performed through the suggested technique by Bardin (2008). Four main thematic categories were identified: the first three ones, related to the pregnant womens perceptions instructions, access and reception and the fourth, related to the identified cultural aspects, where it is noticed the indiscriminate use of a specific diagnostic procedure, the obstetric ultrassonography. Significant deficiencies on specific orientations by part of the professional staff in this period were identified, as well care with diet and nipples, incentive to breast-feeding, delivery preparation and others. The lack of pregnant women groups and other educational activities were also signalized. Difficulties in access to information, medical consultation and examination, and specific medicine for pregnancy were other issues brought by those women. It was remarkable the complaint in relation to the lack of access and guidance to the childbirth. Problems on the pregnant womans welcoming and disrespect showed by some health professionals in the researched units were identified as negative contribution to the affectivity of the prenatal care. The indiscriminate use of the ultrassonography was presented as an ordinary practice, commonplace, to the pregnancy diagnosis and accompaniment, even renouncing medical solicitation. Although there is not, until this moment, formal contra-indication to its use, as the Health Department as the professional societies of that field recommend economy in its use, contra-indicated out of strict medical indications. It can be concluded that, in the pregnant womens perspective, among the factors to be managed to the improvement and credibility of the prenatal care, welcoming and emotional connection between involved professionals and pregnant women are outstand, therefore starting from this point, the whole line care could be built collectively, minimizing the found problems and redirecting, if necessary, some behaviors toward its greatest affectivity


humanization of childbirth care humanização da assistência ao parto acesso aos serviços de saúde referência e consulta reference and consultation prenatal care acolhimento welcoming cuidado pré-natal saude coletiva access to health services

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