Intervenção educativa para promoção do consumo de frutas e hortaliças sob a perspectiva de gestores de Unidades de Alimentação e Nutrição / Educational intervention to promote the intake of fruits and vegetables under the perspective of managers in Food and Nutrition Units


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




Introduction: The promotion of the consumption of fruits and vegetables occupies an important place on the health promotion agenda. Low intake of these foods increases the risk of developing chronic diseases and obesity. The workplace is recognized as an important place to increase access and consumption of fruits and vegetables. Objective: Evaluate the effect of an educational intervention to promote the intake of fruit and vegetables with managers of Food and Nutrition Units. Methods: A randomized intervention involving a sample of 29 managers of workplace cafeteria, participating in the Worker Food Program, divided into two groups (15 in the intervention group and 14 in the control group), was employed. A multicomponent intervention based on the ecological model of health promotion, with an average duration of six months, with four different stages was used. The cafeterias managers participated in all steps of the intervention strategies that involved aspects like menus planning, culinary workshops and motivational strategies for the intake of fruit and vegetables. Data collection occurred in two stages, before the intervention and after intervention. The effect of the intervention in the managers was investigated using the following indicators: alteration in the state of change, changes on menus planning and the adhesion to the educational resources. It was used Fishers exact test and Chi-Square test to evaluate the change. Results: All interviewed managers were women, most were dietitian and the majority of the surveyed Units were outsourced managed. The intervention did not affect the stages of change of cafeterias managers, however most of the managers in the intervention group, reported changing meal planning. The main change mentioned was the increase in the offer of fruit and vegetables. In the evaluation of educational resources used in intervention, the managers indicated the table display and culinary workshop as the most effective. It was observed that the educational materials that depended on the companies and managers for its implementation were considered less effective, in the evaluation of the managers. Conclusion: Although the intervention hasnt altered the stage of change in the managers, it provided modifications on the menus planning, designating that more actions should be directed to these players in order to promote the offer and consumption of fruit and vegetables


ambiente de trabalho comportamento alimentar food behavior fruits and vegetables frutas e hortaliças health promotion nutrition programs and policies programas e políticas de nutrição e alimentação promoção da saúde workplace

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