Interdisciplinarity in teaching: a perception of the recently graduated students of the graduation courses in Accountancy in Brazil / Interdisciplinaridade no ensino: a percepção dos egressos dos cursos de graduação em Ciências Contábeis no Brasil




The research had as general objective to identify, in the perspective of the recently graduated students, the perception of the Interdisciplinarity in the curriculum of the graduation courses in Accountancy offered by the Brazilian Higher Education Institutions. The interdisciplinary movement had its beginning in France and Italy, in the mid 1960s. Such movement began to question the barriers among the disciplines, their borders and limitations, questioning on the traditional knowledge that subdivides the areas of knowledge in the curriculum, looking for the defragmentation of the teaching. It is verified that there are concepts for the theme starting from three visions: relationship form among the disciplines, inter-discipline attitude and interdiscipline research. However, discussions concerning the interdisciplinarity in the accounting teaching are still incipient. Considering the existence of this gap, this study seeks to identify the presence of inter-discipline characteristics in the graduation courses in Accountancy, and in which ways the interdisciplinarity can contribute to the improvement of the Accountancy teaching. Initially, concepts that orientate the interdisciplinarity in teaching and in research are presented, starting from bibliographical research, trying to identify information that aid in the process of defragmentation of the teaching. Later, a field research is performed with the recently graduated students of the graduation courses in Accountancy in Brazil, graduates in the year of 2004. The research was conducted by means of questionnaires sent to the recently graduated students, by internet. The recently graduated students of the graduation courses in Accountancy in Brazil notice inter-discipline characteristics in the curriculum of the courses. The degree of interdisciplinarity noticed is independent of the sex and there are not significant differences in the perception about interdisciplinarity among the geographical regions of the country. It is recommended that the institutions of teaching motivate research in the graduation, and the composition of the professors with graduation in different areas of knowledge. For future researches suggestions are presented: (i) the use of another technique of data collection; (ii) an extension of the sample; (iii) a comparative between Brazil and other countries.


interdisciplinarity accounting teaching interdisciplinaridade ciencias contabeis ensino contábil: contabilidade - abordagem interdisciplinar do conhecimento

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