Interaction of the Tobacco Mosaic Virus Replicase Protein with the Aux/IAA Protein PAP1/IAA26 Is Associated with Disease Development†


American Society for Microbiology


Virus-infected plants often display developmental abnormalities that include stunting, leaf curling, and the loss of apical dominance. In this study, the helicase domain of the Tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) 126- and/or 183-kDa replicase protein(s) was found to interact with the Arabidopsis Aux/IAA protein PAP1 (also named IAA26), a putative regulator of auxin response genes involved in plant development. To investigate the role of this interaction in the display of symptoms, a TMV mutant defective in the PAP1 interaction was identified. This mutant replicated and moved normally in Arabidopsis but induced attenuated developmental symptoms. Additionally, transgenic plants in which the accumulation of PAP1 mRNA was silenced exhibit symptoms like those of virus-infected plants. In uninfected tissues, ectopically expressed PAP1 accumulated and localized to the nucleus. However, in TMV-infected tissues, PAP1 failed to accumulate to significant levels and did not localize to the nucleus, suggesting that interaction with the TMV replicase protein disrupts PAP1 localization. The consequences of this interaction would affect PAP1's putative function as a transcriptional regulator of auxin response genes. This is supported by gene expression data indicating that ∼30% of the Arabidopsis genes displaying transcriptional alterations in response to TMV contain multiple auxin response promoter elements. Combined, these data indicate that the TMV replicase protein interferes with the plant's auxin response system to induce specific disease symptoms.

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