Interaction of Pseudomonas and Enterobacteriaceae plasmids in Aeromonas salmonicida.


We observed that Aeromonas salmonicida ARO200 will maintain either or both the Pseudomonas R-factor, pMG1, and Enterobacteriaceae R-factors. This bacterial strain, therefore, provides a unique background wherein the host ranges of Pseudomonas and Enterobacteriaceae plasmods overlap. Co-maintenance of these plasmids resulted in behavior of plasmid aggregates that allowed transfer of R-dterminants beyond the host range of the parent plasmid. We observed that the ARO200 genetic background facilitated the redistribution of B determinants among unrelated and conjugally noninterfertile gram-negative bacteria. Aberrant behavior resulting in the deletion of R-determinants for plasmids singly maintained in ARO200 was also observed. Plasmids studied included RP1, R702, IncP; Rs-a, IncW; R192.7, IncFII; R64-11, IncI; R390, IncN; and R6K, IncX.

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