Interações entre Platonia insignis (Clusiaceae) e a avifauna visitante floral no cerrado do Maranhão / Interactions between Platonia insignis (Clusiaceae) and the bird-flower visitors at the savanna of Maranhão




The bacurizeiro, Platonia insignis Mart. (Clusiaceae), is an amazonian tree species that dispersed into savanna borders of the Northeast region of Brazil in the States of Maranhão and Piauí. We studied the floral biology and morphology, the breeding system, the relation between flower density and plant exposition to the sun, the flowering overlap and the activity of the floral visitors. The activity of visitors was recorded through direct observations totaling 165 hours. In savanna, its flowering occurs in July, August and September, and flowers begin to open at 04:00h. Platonia insignis flowers presented several ornithophilous traits such as large size, pinkish color, no odour, abundant polen and nectar. The flowers produced on averange 1.58 ml of nectar with higher production in the morning. The flower density was higher in branches with more exposition to the sun. The breeding system was considered self-incompatible and fruit set was lower than 6%. We recorded 27 visitor bird species from nine families taking nectar or polen from P. Insignis flowers. Due to its frequency and behaviour, tanagers and psittacids were considered the main pollinators in the savanna. Other bird families, Callithrix jacchus and bees were considered occasional pollinators or nectar and pollen robbers


clusiaceae ornitofilia psittacidae clusiaceae thraupidae ornithophily platonia insignis platonia insignis psittacidae thraupidae

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