Interações entre Pachycondyla striata e Odontomachus chelifer (Formicidae, Ponerinae) e diasporos em tres fisionomias florestais da Mata Atlantica / Interactions between Pachycondyla striata and Odontomachus chelifer (Formicidae, Ponerinae), and diaspores in three landscapes at Mata Atlantica




The present study investigated the spatial variation in interactions involving the ponerine ants Pachycondyla striata and Odontomachus chelifer and nonmyrmecochorous diaspores. The study was carried out at the three continuous forests formations in the Brazilian Atlantic forest: Restinga forest (2-3 m above sea level), Lowland forest (05-30 m above sea level), Hillside forest (200-250 m above sea forest) at Parque Estadual da Ilha do Cardoso, Cananéia, SP. We examined how these interactions vary spatially by comparing the patterns of selected ant-diaspore interactions and establishment, growth and early survival of seedlings occurring at our three main study areas. Possible causes underlying such patterns were examined (leaf litter, soil penetrability, fruits and arthropods biomass, ponerines abundance and preference). Individual workers of P. striata and O. chelifer transport single diaspores to their nest by similar way across the three study areas. However the lipid rich diaspores were preferentially removed by both ponerine species. The low availability of leaf litter arthropods may have affected the observed pattern whereas the ponerines are primarily carnivorous. Seedlings and juveniles were more frequent close to ponerine nests than in control areas without such nests in restinga and lowland forests. The seedling recruitment in nests of P. striata and O. chelifer was greater than in control areas in restinga and lowland forests but not in hillside forest. Seedlings grew better only in nests of O. chelifer in lowland forest. This pattern may be related to soil properties and penetrability that are different between the areas. Although the interactions between P. striata and O. chelifer and nonmyrmecochorous diaspores occur at the three study areas and involve a variety of plant species at all places, there are important differences between the sites. The results indicate that ant-seed interaction vary in space with important consequences for the plants involved.


formiga interação inseto-planta insect-plant interaction ants brazil mata atlantica mata atlantica

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