"Interações entre modelado e solo no transecto Espraiado, São Pedro, SP" / Soil-landform relationships in the Espraiado Transect, São Pedro, São Paulo.




The objective of this research is to identify macro and micromorphological features (field and and optical microscopic scale, respectively) and analitycal evidences (physical and chemical parameters), indicative of translocations, losses and acumulations mechanisms inside the soils, that probably leads to changes in the form of a transect, localized in São Pedro region, São Paulo State, Brazil. The studied transect, called Espraiado, is divided into five segments: superior segment, medium segment and a, b and c inferior segments. The superior segment presents low slope angles and presence of quartz sand, that is a deep soil characterized of the vertical sequence of A, AE, E (with bands) and C-1 horizons. The medium segment has moderate slope angles and the presence of podzolic soils, that are shallower than quartz sand soil and follow vertical sequence of horizons: A, AE, E (with bands), Bt, C-2 and C-3. The inferior segments have the highest slope angles and soils with the highest clay content and the lowest thickness of the transect: cambic soil, that has vertical sequence of A, ABi, Bi, C-2 and C-3 horizons; or A, C-2 and C-3 horizons. The identified macro and micromorphological features suggest the occurrence of chemical and mechanical processes inside the pedological cover, mainly triggered for water circulation in soils. These processes are probably responsible for material translocation and/or remotion in the whole transect. In quartz sand soil, where there are probably high water infiltration rates and dominant internal vertical flux, there are the great amounts of the follow features: bands/interband, interpreted as plasma e-illuviation evidences, embayed quartz particles, interpreted as silica dissolution evidences, and plasma infusion, a phenomenon that leads to the desintegration of sand-sized particles and the formation of silt-sized particles. In podzolic and cambic soils ,where there are probably lower water infiltration rates soils and dominant internal lateral flux, there are fewer of these features and dominance of others, like bands/interbands probably related to plasma losses; holes and concavities probably related to piping processes, motlles suggesting hydromorfic processes that induce the mobility of reduced Fe, and features associated to plasma and skeleton mobility in macropores. Only two features suggest deposition or precipitation of elements in the soil system: bands, mainly in quartz sand soil, and the “double surfaces” of the quartz particles. It seems that pedological cover of the Espraiado transect is mainly characterized by general losses that lead to soil volume loss and landsurface lowering, as described in other tropical areas. Therefore, the presented results disagree with the opposition idea of pedogenetic and morphogenetic processes, presented in traditional views of soil-landforms relationships, since the deduced processes in this research are probably responsible for both soil and landform changes. Furthermore, the presence of the identified chemical processes in Espraiado transect appear to conform to concepts of etchplanation.


plasma infusion plasma infusion piping topossequência banda ondulada dissolução de quartzo hillslope morphology morfologia de vertente piping quartz dissolution toposequence lamellae

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