Interação social em diferentes contextos escolares: estudo de caso de uma criança com autismo / Interação social em diferentes contextos escolares: estudo de caso de uma criança com autismo




The objective of this case study was to analyze the social interactions of a child with autism in the contexts of two different schools: Escola Classe and Escola Parque. Involved in the survey were a child with autism diagnosis - registered in the second year of elementary school in public institutions of Distrito Federal -, his teachers and colleagues. Several structured pedagogical activities and free moments were observed in both contexts. The results analyses were based on the Activity Theory by Leontiev as well as on Hindes interactions typology and unveiled the autistic students interactions quality and the fact that there is a pattern in both schools. However, while at Escola Parque parallel individual and parallel supplementary interactions predominate; at Escola Classe individual and group interactions prevailed. Ordering and obeying are the most common behavioral categories that involve the child at Escola Classe and, at Escola Parque, the categories Ordering and Soliciting are the most common. The rejection and imitation are more present at Escola Parque whilst the complement is more noticeable at Escola Classe. The investigation points to the importance of the context over quality; structure; and the autistics child interaction behavioral style. Furthermore, it is visible that the context of Escola Parque favors the focalized childs social development once it stimulates autonomy.


autismo interação social ciências da saúde interaction contexts interação social - escolas avaliação do comportamento - autismo em crianças social interaction contextos de interação autism

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