Interação entre Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii e Microcystis aeruginosa: implicações no crescimento de culturas e na produção de microcistinas / Interaction between Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii and Microcystis aeruginosa: implications in cultures growth and microcystins production




Cyanobacteria play important ecological role in many terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. However, they become a public health problem when synthesize secondary toxic compounds, known as cyanotoxins, which may act on several organisms. Impacted aquatic systems favor their growth and these microorganisms can become dominant due to mechanisms that confer them adaptive advantages in relation to other phytoplanktonic groups. Frequently, cyanobacteria can form water blooms, whose toxicity varies according to their species and strains composition. Although the cyanobacteria Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii and Microcystis aeruginosa can form blooms, have toxic potential, are competitive and present in several reservoirs, it is unknown the interaction effect between them in the production of microcystins. To solve this question, the interaction among strains of C. raciborskii and M. aeruginosa was studied to: characterize the culture of the species in monoculture and mixed culture; check whether the character of toxic strains favored the competition; measure microcystin concentration produced by M. aeruginosa and evaluate interaction effect on this variable. In climatized growth room (22°C, 12h photoperiod, 60 mümol photon/M POT.2.s) four interaction experiments composed by three treatments were performed in batch cultures: (1) monoculture of M. aeruginosa, (2) monoculture of C. raciborskii, (3) mixed culture of M. aeruginosa and C. raciborskii. Density and biovolume, specific growth rate (mü), doubling time (Td) and concentration of microcystin, chlorophyll-a and nutrients analyses were performed. The interaction reduced up to 22% the of studied strains. Both C. raciborskii and M. aeruginosa presented competitive advantage in at least one of the tests. In the case of toxic strain of M. aeruginosa, it was found that its toxic character favored the competition with non-toxic strain of C. raciborskii. Furthermore, M. aeruginosa increased by 53% the synthesis of microcystin while interacting with C. raciborskii. This process could be related to three main mechanisms: interference competition, communication and production of allelopathic chemicals. Genetical balance studies of blooms as the possible chemical communication existing among cyanobacteria are important investigative tools that might help prevention and management improvement of toxic blooms.


competição interespecífica allelopathy interespecific competition alelopatia velocidade de crescimento de cultivo cyanotoxins microcistina cianotoxinas specific growth rate cianobactérias cyanobacteria

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