Interação de lectinas de semente de jaca (Artocarpus integrifolia) com glicoproteinas da saliva e soro humano




Interaction of lectins of jack seeds Artocarpus integrifolia, with salivay and human serum glycoproteins. Lectins are proteins which bind to specific saccharides in polysacharides, glycoproteins or glycolipds. Although originally described in plants, they have been isolated from many diverse sources like bacterias and animal including smails, sponges, fish and others. The lectins have many biological activities like erythrocyte bacterial, protozoal, leukocytes aglutination, produce mitogenic effect on lymphocyte culture, and precipitate glycoproteins, as the immunoglobulins. The gycoproteins are important group in t.he salivary and serum components, included immunoglobulin A. Our aim was determine if the lectin of jack seed (galactose specific) reacts specifically with salivary immunoglobin A when compared with serum glycoprotelns. Through double agar diffusion and electrophoretic separation in agarose and polyacrylamide gels of Ig-A deficient saliva and serrum, we observed that other glycoproteins present in saliva and serum react with this lectin. The fractioned crude extracts of jack seeds by affinty chromatography with agarose-D-ga!actose resulted in a lectin specific to galactose. The other proteins that didn t bind to galactose, also react and precipitate various serum proteins. The salivary and serum proteins separated in disc polyacrylamide gels react with lectins solutions. The reaction is specific because only some proteins are retained into gel after repeated wash in buffer. This procedure was shown to be useful for study normal and pathological human salivary and serum glycoproteins


glicoproteinas lectinas boca - microbiologia patologia bucal

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