Integration between multi-agent systems and distributed data base systems. / Integração entre sistema multi-agentes e sistemas de banco de dados distribuídos.




Multi-agent systems must offer the needed resources to allow their agents to interact and to reach their goals. An example of resource is a set of data stored in any kind of resource manager, such as a database management system. Data access must be possible even if the data is distributed, characteristic that is also present in multi-agent systems. Thus, this work describes a system whose objective is to provide to agents distributed data access in a simple and transparent way, in other words, hiding the agent environment and complexities related to distributed database systems. DASE supports any database management system, centralized or distributed, in compliance with JDBC (Java Database Connectivity). In addition it offers important features, such as concurrency control, simultaneous data environments and stored SQL sentences. All challenges and important aspects overcome in order to design and implement DASE are described, explaining and justifying every decision that in some way had a participation to form DASE set of functions and behavior. The system was implemented following its design, resulting in a functional and stable version, what could be verified through its adoption in a project based on multiagent systems and air traffic control systems. In addition, a plenty of performance tests were done regarding different scenarios.


distributed systems sistemas multiagentes distributed data base sistemas distribuídos concurrency control multi-agent systems controle de concorrência banco de dados distribuídos

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