Integração econômica regional e investimento estrangeiro direto na América Latina: os casos do Brasil e Argentina / Regional Economic Integration and Foreign Direct Investment in Latin America: the cases of Brazil and Argentina


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




Given the significant increase in flows of foreign direct investment and the proliferation of economic integration agreements from 90 years, this paper aims to analyze the formation of MERCOSUR has helped attract foreign direct investment to Brazil and Argentina. For this discussion, the work is composed of four parts, besides the introduction and conclusion. The first part presents a theoretical approach, which discusses the determinants of foreign direct investment and the motivations of the investor and the host country. The second part presents a theoretical discussion of possible impacts of economic integration agreements on flows of foreign direct investment, in addition, we present some empirical studies that discuss this relationship. In the third part we develop a descriptive analysis of the flows of foreign direct investment received by Brazil and Argentina in the period 1990-2009, which aimed to identify whether the increase in flows of these investments was correlated to the expansion of trade with MERCOSUR countries. The results of this descriptive analysis suggest that factors internal to each of the countries surveyed were responsible for the attraction of direct foreign investment over this period, and that MERCOSUR may have been a secondary factor. The fourth section presents an econometric analysis and estimate a linear regression technique using OLS, in order to estimate the parameters of the main factors in the literature as determinants of foreign direct investment flows, among which the economic integration agreement . The results of this analysis also suggests that internal factors were predominant in the attraction of FDI for both countries and that integration may have been a determining factor only in the Brazilian case.


integração da américa latina integração econômica regional investimento estrangeiro direto latin american integration mercosul mercosur regional economic integration foreign direct investment

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